• Projekt v rámci programu ERASMUS+
        Zmluva o poskytnutí grantu
        Healthy Environment And Life

        Crossborder cooperation of students and teachers for a healthy environment

        Účastníci projektu a termíny projektových stretnutí:

        Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych im. Pawla Stalmacha, Wisla  (Poľsko)  5. - 9.3.2018
        Esze Tamás Gimnázium, Mátészalka  (Maďarsko)  14. - 18.5.2018
        Gymnázium sv. Jána Zlatoústeho, Humenné  (Slovensko)  8. - 12.10.2018
        Liceo Statale Lucrezia della Valle, Cosenza  (Taliansko)  11. - 15.3.2019
        Sigmund-Schuckert Gymnasium, Nürnberg  (Nemecko)  23. - 27.9.2019
        Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych im. Pawla Stalmacha, Wisla  (Poľsko) 
        2. - 6.12.2019  Záverečné stretnutie učiteľov

        Project description:
        Environment-pollution knows no boundaries, so, no matter where it happens, it may exert its harmful influence on life not only where it occurs, but anywhere in the world.

        This is the reason why we have chosen to examine the effect of environmental harms on our health, and the ways we can eliminate or reduce environmental hazards. We also plan to examine different ways of cross-border cooperation that are necessary in order to protect our health in a cleaner, more liveable environment, working for sustainability at the same time.


        • raising the young people’s awareness of the damage done to our health (for example asthma, allergy) by environmental problems
        • calling attention to the necessity of international cooperation in addressing these problems
        • developing a citizen’s attitude in order to approach the problems consciously, in a responsible way, for a better future
        • raising awareness of the fact that the above are common European values

        Result: Apart from the realisation of the above purposes, the development of teaching material on the topic.


        1. The participating schools get acquainted online through PPT presentations

        2. The students of each participating school assess the specific types of environment pollution in their region, (regarding the last 20 -30 years) and the effect of these pollution types on human health (online sources, figures and analyses by local organisations), and they make a presentation using their findings (PPT or Prezi)

        3. Project meeting One: Presentation of the results (PPT or Prezi): presenting one or two environmental problems; on the basis of their research results the preparation of interdisciplinary teaching material as well as wok-sheets concerning the students

        4. Presenting ideas and suggestions for solutions – there may be some ideas and suggestions among them that have already been realized by the given region (good practices)

        5. Project meeting Two: Presentation; The development of interdisciplinary teaching material and worksheets on the basis of the above results

        6. Informing the local communities about the achievements: presentations, discussions, debates, local media

        7. Project meeting Three: The compilation and digitalization of the teaching module

        8.  Local testing of the teaching material controlled by the students, collecting feedback

        9. Finalization and assessment of the project

        Key competences:

        • native and foreign languages
        • digital
        • social
        • scientific

        5. stretnutie - Nemecko - Nurnberg   Správa zo stretnutia   FOTO

        4. stretnutie - Taliansko - Cosenza   Správa zo stretnutia    FOTO

        3. stretnutie - Slovensko - Humenné   Správa zo stretnutia    FOTO

        2. stretnutie - Maďarsko - Mátészalka   Správa zo stretnutia    FOTO

        1. stretnutie - Poľsko - Wisla   Správa zo stretnutia    FOTO